The Night I Stopped Believing in Substitutionary Blood Atonement

It’s theologically offensive in the modern era to think God required a bloody sacrifice of his Son in order to forgive humanity.

Where is the Joy?

We have a huge deficit of joy these days. We need to reclaim it.

Pandemic Pastors

One pastor told me, “No matter what I do about COVID protocols, I get attacked. I’m exhausted to the bone.”

What Matters More—Belief or Behavior?

It may startle you, but throughout the Bible, God seems surprisingly disinterested in doctrinal beliefs.

Leaving Church?

Legions of people are disgusted with the sorry state of institutional religion in twenty-first century America—for many good reasons.

It’s (Past) Time to Raze Hell

What kind of deity would eternally torture people in agonizing flames of hell?

Six Lessons I’ve Learned about Doubt

In recent decades, tens of millions of Americans have left their churches and other places of worship, and that trend shows no sign of abating.