Doubter’s Parish Groups
Doubter’s Parish Groups provides (free) resources for progressive Sunday school classes, short-term study groups, book clubs, and other small groups. It includes the following three categories of group resources:
The following 2 books, which include small group study guides, are in PDF format and are available for free download:
- My Long Farewell to Traditional Religion and What Remains
- An Inconvenient Loss of Faith (A Theological Novel)
Martin also has several books that are still in print with Westminster John Knox publishing house. Since he is under contract with the publisher, he cannot provide these books for free. However, if you are interested, you can purchase them for your group. All three books have resources for small-group study.
One series is currently featured; however, additional series will be added over time, including a 6-week course on the Old Testament book of Job.
- A Cynic’s Search for the Secrets of Life: Life Lessons from the Book of Ecclesiastes (a three-week course)
Two stand-alone series are currently featured; however, additional series will be added over time.
NOTE: Doubter’s Parish Groups will periodically add additional materials to this section of the website. If you want email notifications about future small-group resources, as well as new posts, stories, articles, and books—all at no cost—please sign up on the contact page.