
About once a month, you will find a new post in this section focusing on the intersection between faith and modern life. If you want email notifications about future posts, stories, articles and books, please go to the contact page and sign up.

The Toxic Evangelical Variant

A significant segment of the evangelical world exhibits severe symptoms of destructive, life-diminishing religion. Given that troubling reality, it’s past time to challenge this toxic evangelical variant.

God Is No Longer a Working Number

For millions of people across the globe, God (as we have historically known God) is no longer a working number. Neither is traditional theology or the institutional church.

Talladega Nights, John Wayne, January 6, and Jesus

If Jesus doesn’t challenge my worldview, values, politics, and daily life, and if he doesn’t make me uncomfortable on a regular basis, I’m probably not taking him seriously.

The Self-Destructive American Church

Throughout most of the twentieth century, over 70 percent of Americans held membership in a local church or synagogue. By 2020 that number plummeted to 47 percent.

It’s (Past) Time to Raze Hell

What kind of deity would eternally torture people in agonizing flames of hell?

If Faith Were a Movie

Today’s religious environment offers Americans a wide variety of faith options. In the spirit of the recent Academy Awards season, this column will focus on five of them, each one illustrated by a movie.

Six Lessons I’ve Learned about Doubt

In recent decades, tens of millions of Americans have left their churches and other places of worship, and that trend shows no sign of abating.

Do You Have a Biblical Worldview?

It’s time to redefine the meaning of a “biblical worldview.”

The Gospel According to Don Draper

Authentic faith requires less certainty and more ambiguity.

Providence and the Pandemic

Can people of faith still see God’s hand in history? Does God really intervene in human and natural affairs? At least three competing answers to that question are possible.

@ Copyright - Martin Thielen & Doubter's Parish
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